Monday, June 30, 2008

Vacation Ordeal -- Le Dernier Cri

My dears, this was my very favorite part... I loved going out to Laguna Point and seeing those awful smelly seals. Ha, ha. If only I could have rolled in that perfume.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Vacation Ordeal, Part Two

The routine became easier every day, but I began to wonder if I would ever see my home again. Hmph! is all I can say.

I hope they don't expect me to lie on the ground.

More tomorrow, my dear fans!

Pomo RV Park, Fort Bragg

Pomo RV Park is the name of this place -- quite pretty, actually.

Vacation Ordeal, Part One

Two Mondays ago, I had a most psychdelic experience, my dears. Daddy Moose and Mama DiDi took me on a trip to some distant, forested place. They expected me to sleep in that steel house??? I managed to hide but it wasn't easy. On Tuesday I decided to eat. And eat. And eat. But I was cut off from my fans. There was no steam iron to call from, no cell phone reception (if I'd been able to maneuver that little gadget) and NO internet. I was working on a way to call from the coffee maker when Wednesday arrived and we got online.

Mama DiDi hogged the Notebook and I couldn't write in my blog but I began to settle in and enjoyed taking many walks. We met one Jack Russell Terrier who simply would not shut up. It was left to me to shut him up!

They kept saying the weather was beautiful, but what was I doing freezing at night? Why was the bed so small? (Although it was cozy, heh, heh, and I managed to get my share of the blankets.)

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Camping Nightmares

Oh, my dears. We just returned home from two weeks of camping in the woods. When I have rested, I will have more -- much more -- to say.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Strange Sunday

My dears, some things are disappearing out of the bedroom, out of the kitchen and the TV is gone from the office. I must hire Mary-Margaret O'Brien, investigator-in-training, who left a very nice comment for me today. See yesterday's blog.

I must get back to snooping and sniffing. I believe I'll turn up my nose at my food tonight. That will teach Them.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Beauty on the Grass

Can you see how blinding my beauty is?

Life is very good, my dear friends, but something is going on here. Things are disappearing from the house. They take sheets, pillows and towels out the front door and return empty-handed.  Some of my things are disappearing into my beautiful tote bag.

Whenever I learn anything new, I will let you know, strictly entre nous, my dears, strictly entre nous.

Friday, June 6, 2008


Yeserday was a very trying day and maybe today was not much better. I had to have a nasty little bath yesterday. I do so hate it. Although I admit that afterward I look very pretty and shiny.

Today, Daddy Moose left early and then Mama DiDi left also! He came home soon, but she didn't. I ignored them all when they came home.

Shhh, while they were both gone, I checked my ample, um, derriere in the full length mirror. A good haircut and nice brushing have done wonders for this old lady. Ha, ha.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Sharing Sherry

So many people have asked so I am sharing Sherry's webpage.

It was such a tiring day today for me. The sheets and blankets all got washed. I ask you, how could I sleep all day? Finally just before lunch, my bed was back in some semblance of order!

Monday, June 2, 2008

My Own Collage

My dear fans all, this is something I've wanted to do for a long time and I've finally done it. Sherry took some of my favorite pictures and made this beautiful collage. You can see my beautiful eyes here, my smile, and that aristocratic tilt of my little chin when I'm bored. You can also see how nicely I wear a hat.

If any of you want more information about Sherry's collages, please let me know.
Until tomorrow, my dears, Bye, bye.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Shadow Dancer

Here's my Cuzzy Shadow Dancer -- isn't he handsome? Shadow has his own blog. (We who rescue humans are very literate.) Shadow sends me sweet little gifts of -- ahem -- jewelry now and then. I wish so much that we could meet in person. See his blog to share his world.