Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Happy Anniversary to Us!! This is the date I came to live with Mama DiDi and Daddy Moose in 2006, and I think I will stay.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Happy Birthday

My dear fans,

I have had the happiest birthday today. I went to the park for a long rambling walk, then home to treats. I got to sleep most of the day except for when I went out and chased naughty kitties.

For once, I did not have to dress up or pose for pictures or go for a "ride" that always ends up at a vet or groomer.

It was wonderful, my dears, simply delightful in every way.

Looking forward to my dinner now.


Friday, November 14, 2008

... Volume Up

Fall is in the air and I am always ready to chase naughty kitties that visit our yard, even when I am wearing my best dress. When this becomes a book, the videos won't show up at all.  You will have to imagine the sight of me in my lovely dress, barking busily and wagging my tail as fast as an airplane propeller.  Woof

Still Recovering

Well, just when I thought I was back to normal, my spa date came around yesterday. My dear Chris, who does such wonderful beauty treatments, performed her magic again. But it threw off my little nap schedule.

Today I was posing again with my beautiful dress on so I could show a picture of me after my toilette. I was beautiful as always, but also very alert. Here I am being beautiful and alert. Stay tuned for a little video of what I did next.....


My dear fans, it has been such a difficult few weeks, but I now am fully recovered. The surgery on my knee (for a benign sebaceous tumor) was successful and I am thrilled to be rid of it. At the same time I had a tooth pulled and some gum surgery. It took awhile before I was ready to eat normally.

After I felt better, I received the most beautiful dress as a gift from my saving angels, Yorkshire Terrier National Rescue. I got to put it on right away in spite of the fact that my grooming spa date is way overdue. I'm posing between Daddy Moose's feet -- he was not happy about his disreputable shoes in the picture, but Mama DiDi called it "The Princess and the Pauper She Loves."
Two weeks after my surgery, I had a dental vaccine and did not feel too well for a few days. So I am still on the -- ahem -- special diet, my fans -- chicken breast, rice, cottage cheese. It would be so nice with a crisp Chardonnay, but They simply won't allow it.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Surgery Report

I am recuperating, my dear fans.
My knee feels like a mouse latched onto it and is hanging there by its teeth. My mouth seems to be missing a tooth. I'm wearing something plastic on my poor aching head.
Let me take this opportunity to thank you all, my dears, for the prayers and expressions of sympathy you have sent me and Mama DiDi.
Fondest regards, ~Sausha

Saturday, October 4, 2008

My New Costume

Listen to me very carefully now.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Lighthouse

Look what I found! My dear fans, I am so excited to have run across this picture of Daddy Moose and little Bruno at the Point Cabrillo Light in Mendocino County.
I never knew Bruno but his scent is all over the house, shall we say. In pictures I have seen he seems so tiny. I understand he was usually between six and seven pounds.
His picture on the pillow on one my favorite chairs makes me chuckle (woof, woof) when I see it. He must have been a silly boy, but endearing.
Daddy Moose looks very good in this picture. He has a graceful walk and his own fashion sense. Little Bruno might have been in a hurry to leave his mark there on the restored lighthouse, which is still working, by the way.
Isn't this an interesting find for today?

Saturday, September 6, 2008

A Serious Question

My Dear Fans,
Please let me ask you all a very serious question. This means a great deal to me.
Am I f.a.t???
I just heard Daddy Moose refer to me as "Sausage the Yorkshire Pudding."
I agree that I am not petite, but I am sturdy. And in case anyone hasn't noticed, I can curl into a very small ball when I wish.
And I have feelings.
Your tenderest, most faithful friend, Sausha Angel

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Hurricanes Oh My!

We are so unhappy about hurricane season. We have friends in Florida who escaped Gustav's wrath, but are in the direct path of Hannah. They are used to hurricane season, but that doesn't make it any easier when one of them is coming right at you. Of course, it doesn't help that it's been raining for a month down there on the tip of Florida. My dear little GizMo, Charity and Griffin, please be safe, you and your mommy.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Simple Amusement

Fun is found in such things as hiding and letting them find me.....

Saturday, August 30, 2008

My Friend Jack

So, I understand my friend Jack has a puppy cut now. I think he looks so distinquished here, but a puppy cut IS cooler for summer.

Believe me, I know. I am overdue for a spa day.


Thursday, August 28, 2008

Friends and More

A big hello and belly rubs to my friend Jack Kennedy, a special Yorkie in Massachusetts. (Oh, my dears, I hope I spelled that correctly.)

In Utah, my cousin Sadie's mom is feeling better and better. Sadie's skinbrother and his wife have what it takes to be parents: a new baby!

That rascal Shadow Dancer had a birthday party recently. I envied him the jelly bean cake. I have never gotten a cake for MY birthday. But I do get a lot of treats so I shouldn't be too much of a glutton.

I get so much love and feel like a very lucky girl. My only complaint right now would be the heat. I come from the San Francisco Bay Area -- we NEVER had to put up with heat like this. Pant, pant.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Week That Was

My dears, I have been so busy for the past week. I had an appointment with my Dr. Ellsworth who takes such good care of me at all times. She specifically commented on my eyelashes. After that Mama DiDi and I went to the POUND -- yes, call it what it is! -- and I received a 3 year license. (Mama DiDi looked at me and said, "Well, she IS ten years old." The clerk nodded sadly. "On the other hand," Mama DiDi continued, "she IS a Yorkie!" The clerk smiled. "Let's go for it," they said together.

No sooner had I recovered from that upset to my routine than Mama DiDi began spending many days away, helping her dear mother move from a lovely home into a small apartment. These things are never easy and I could tell it was often sad for Mama DiDi and her sisters. So, as time goes on, I will visit there and see if I can bring joy in my own small way.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


So sorry, my dear fans. Somehow my "billboard" announcing my candidacy for President of the United States went blank. I don't want to leave a big black square there on MY blog.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Dreaded Bath

My Dears, I am in a faint. I do so hate having a bath at home. The Spa bath is so much nicer and FASTER! Why does it take so long to rinse, rinse, rinse all the shampoo off me? Why does Mama DiDi use so much shampoo anyway?
My delicate being is resting now. Woof. When I recover myself, I may hide. Right now, I'm just too too exhausted to think of a new hiding place.
I do so envy dear Leo with his wood rat. I have a woodpile but it only has beetles. I have many cats and several squirrels that visit my yard.
Oh, oh. I must have been dreaming about rats. My dainty paws were twitching.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

In Memory of Maxx

Yesterday we learned that this darling little Maxx shook off his sickness and pain and made the long trip beyond the horizon to the Rainbow Bridge. His mom is Yvonne who has made beautiful clothes for me in the past. I am so very sorry that her heart must be broken now. Maxx's daddy Tom is there to greet him, so there is joy there and tears here.

This is little Maxx.

When I heard the sad news, I remembered the Mutts comic strip from the day before. It made me think of little Maxx being carried by his dad and never being out of breath again.

Starring Me

If this works, it will be a miracle.
I addressed one of the neighborhood cats over a year ago. Strange to say, I haven't seen him since.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Sadie's Mom

Sadie Sue's mom is in the hospital. We hope she will be home soon because Sadie (who loaned me her beautiful Hawaiian dress last year), her honey Sunny and their daughter Lucy miss their mom very, very much.

Please pray... thank you.

Mary-Margaret, TV star

Our sweet friend, Mary-Margaret O'Brien, appeared on TV Wednesday night. WE cable network introduced a new series called F.L.I.P. Mysteries: Women on the Case. F.L.I.P. is a real i-network of Female Legal & Investigative Professionals. (Get it?)
Mary-Margaret appeared for a second or two, posing beautifully on her mom's desk as they helped solve a chilling mystery. Sorry, no spoilers, because the show will be repeated next Wednesday night at 10 p.m. Eastern time. Maybe that will be a new episode, but I'm sure her fans will demand a repeat of Mary-Margaret O'Brien, investigator-in-training.
The reason we all got to see it was because we have satellite and what is shown at 10 p.m. Eastern time is shown here three hours earlier. We didn't even have to stay up! Thank goodness, because as you know I am a creature of habit and would be asleep by 9:15.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Rosemont Park

Today in our park, which is constantly being overwatered, a man heard Mama DiDi calling me.
"Sausha, come here, get out of the mud, don't twist your leash around the post. Sausha, we're going this way."

The man stopped and pointed toward me. "Russian name, Sacha, small name of Alexander."

"Yes," Mama DiDi fibbed, remembering my dialogue with dear Leo. "In fact, Sausha was named after Count Tolstoy's daughter, Alexandra."

The man smiled broadly. "My name Nikolai." Mama DiDi introduced herself and my aunt Nita. And quickly Nikolai, Mama DiDi, Nita, and my friends Jose and Misty, and I all leaped out of the way of the constant sprinklers.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Under the Weather

My dear fans, I experienced a little indisposition yesterday, but all is well this morning. I have a special sound I make to let my people know I am SICK! Do not waste time letting me outside!!
Ahem. I had to repeat this special sound for 20 minutes late Friday night before Daddy Moose roused sufficiently to get up and let me out. His first clue should have been that I did not rush out barking.
Mama DiDi got up with me twice more before she decided to leave the doggie door open for me. Too bad she didn't turn the lights on in the house and discover the nice message I had left in the dining room. Woof.
Yesterday I lounged in my bed as I usually do everyday, but this time I didn't bother getting up until after 5:00 P.M.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Sausha Angel

Hello to all my wonderful fans. I haven't posted because the weather has been rather warm and I become so debilitated in the heat, but now it's cool AND Mama DiDi isn't hogging the computer. (Here I am in my debilitated state.)
I want to tell you why I am named Sausha Angel. Beverly put a little blue coat on me when she brought me here, a blue coat with angel wings on the back. I truly felt angelic too. One of Mama DiDi's friends, a lovely lady named Sue (herself the guardian of two sweet doggies named Lily and Poppy), saw this picture of me in my blue coat and suggested I be called Sausha Angel. And so that is my name.
My dears, look at that slender figure. Ahem. Woof.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Saved the Kitty

You would have been proud of my Mama DiDi, my dear fans. While I stayed on the sidewalk and barked encouragement, she tried to cajole a marmalade kitten into coming down out of a tree at our Park. When she failed and walked away from the tree, the kitten set up the most piercing yowl for such a tiny one. It was only temporary. Mama DiDi called Daddy Moose, got the number of Animal Control and they promised to come right out.
Ah, yes, I thought -- and I have a large international red bridge I could sell you -- for a song.
I waited in the car. I had no intention of joining that little party, my dears, I assure you. But Animal Control did come right over, also a man who had seen the cat earlier dropped by to see if it had gotten down on its own yet.
Well, it was hilarious. The catchpole was too short, the net was too short and the ladder was too short. The man and the a.c. officer went to call for help and the cat must have thought the ladder made the ground look closer. The little Dickens landed on his feet and I watched Mama DiDi pick him up. Oh NO! (She says he was purring.)
I'm sure this story would have a much happier ending if I could tell you she brought the cat home and we are now living happily ever after, but I'm afraid we are too practical and realize that our dear Daddy Moose would never go along with it.
The a.c. officer believes it will find a home, maybe even with his own people, who might be looking for him. I suspect, however, that someone dumped him off.
Such is life in the suburbs.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

My Secrets -- for Leo

My dear Leo, I love my bath. I love the massage and I love the water. And most of all, I love doing a quick roll and rub on the dirty carpet remnant in the garage as soon as I get home. Woof.

Spa Day

I was massaged, brushed, combed, clipped within an inch of my life, my dears.
I feel so much better now, but I am prostrate with exhaustion as you can see.
Now I must rest and sleep.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Dog Days, Early

My dears, it isn't August yet and the Dog Days have arrived. My energy is low and I wish to sleep, "wrapped in the tender arms of Morpheus."
But first, I'll enjoy the air conditioned house and drink my distilled water.
And eat my delicate treats.
Call me when the heat wave is over.....

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Heat Wave

To my dear friend Leo and his Gamma Wolf -- I don't know what medium Miss Sherry Berry uses for her effects, but I have a suspicion it has something to do with Paint Shop Pro or something of the sort. She has other talents too. She makes nice tags and her Yorkie Savannah figures in them often.

You might all notice this picture of me taken by my friend Jan who visited with us while we were vacationing in Fort Bragg, California. I thought it was a good likeness. Ahem.

My dear fans all, it is HOT here. You have no idea how hot it is. I lie supine so any vagrant breeze from the air conditioner will cool off my pink tummy.

Today I reverted to one of my old tricks. I don't know why I did it, but it seemed like the thing to do. A man from the Electrical Company came to put a surge protector on our meter. When he banged on the outside of the house, I was frightened. I sought comfort from Mama DiDi at first, but she forgot me when she heard him say he's finished, and I melted away.

Mama DiDi looks for me. I hear her calling indoors and out; I hear her open doors and close them. She gets down and looks under the bed where I usually am. She looks under and behind everything possible. She searches for me in the backyard. Even though there is no way I could have gotten out the front door, she goes out and looks around anyway. I hear the panic in her voice but I can't move. I hear her say, "Sausha, PLEASE come out! Please come out." She has looked everywhere, but then she goes into Daddy Moose's bathroom (where she has looked before, even behind the door) and one more step this time reveals me plastered to the commode in the most clever way so she couldn't see me when she looked the first time.

She laughs, she cries. My dears, I offered her some Rescue Remedy for her temples and now she is taking a nap.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Dogwood Effect

Is this not beautiful?


My dears, I am still recovering from last evening. The horrible firecrackers and whistles make me bury my head under Mama DiDi's chin. I refused to go for my walk in the park today -- who knows what's over there?
I have been able to save Miss Sherry's art effect of Mama DiDi's dogwood picture and I am going to put it up next.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Independence Day

Wishing everyone a very Happy 4th of July. Be careful and have fun.

If you want a hearty laugh today, be sure to see my friend Mary-Margaret O'Brien's Blog.

To my dear pal Leo, somehow I did not keep up with a few of your comments, but they are posted now. I am really sorry. I thought I had this all figured out, but still have a lot to learn. I certainly wouldn't want you to think I was putting the snub on you. 

To dear Cousin Shadow, I hope everything feels all better now and you no longer have a sore mouth.
I shall sleep now. Woof in red, white and blue.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Good News about Shadow

So it turned out that Shadow Dancer didn't have a hernia after all. Hooray! But the darned old vet felt he had to do something after all so he did a dental and pulled four teeth.

Thank you for prayers and comments about Shadow. I love my Cuzzy. His mom also sends her thanks.

Miss Sherry took Mama DiDi's dogwood picture and made it into a painterly work of art. Maybe I can show that later.

I, Sausha Angel, am so relieved.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

My Cousin Shadow

Please pray for my cousin Shadow Dancer who is having surgery today for a hernia. Ouch!

He'll feel so much better when it's all fixed, but today is scary for his mom. We and all their friends are keeping them in our thoughts.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Vacation Ordeal -- Le Dernier Cri

My dears, this was my very favorite part... I loved going out to Laguna Point and seeing those awful smelly seals. Ha, ha. If only I could have rolled in that perfume.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Vacation Ordeal, Part Two

The routine became easier every day, but I began to wonder if I would ever see my home again. Hmph! is all I can say.

I hope they don't expect me to lie on the ground.

More tomorrow, my dear fans!

Pomo RV Park, Fort Bragg

Pomo RV Park is the name of this place -- quite pretty, actually.

Vacation Ordeal, Part One

Two Mondays ago, I had a most psychdelic experience, my dears. Daddy Moose and Mama DiDi took me on a trip to some distant, forested place. They expected me to sleep in that steel house??? I managed to hide but it wasn't easy. On Tuesday I decided to eat. And eat. And eat. But I was cut off from my fans. There was no steam iron to call from, no cell phone reception (if I'd been able to maneuver that little gadget) and NO internet. I was working on a way to call from the coffee maker when Wednesday arrived and we got online.

Mama DiDi hogged the Notebook and I couldn't write in my blog but I began to settle in and enjoyed taking many walks. We met one Jack Russell Terrier who simply would not shut up. It was left to me to shut him up!

They kept saying the weather was beautiful, but what was I doing freezing at night? Why was the bed so small? (Although it was cozy, heh, heh, and I managed to get my share of the blankets.)

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Camping Nightmares

Oh, my dears. We just returned home from two weeks of camping in the woods. When I have rested, I will have more -- much more -- to say.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Strange Sunday

My dears, some things are disappearing out of the bedroom, out of the kitchen and the TV is gone from the office. I must hire Mary-Margaret O'Brien, investigator-in-training, who left a very nice comment for me today. See yesterday's blog.

I must get back to snooping and sniffing. I believe I'll turn up my nose at my food tonight. That will teach Them.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Beauty on the Grass

Can you see how blinding my beauty is?

Life is very good, my dear friends, but something is going on here. Things are disappearing from the house. They take sheets, pillows and towels out the front door and return empty-handed.  Some of my things are disappearing into my beautiful tote bag.

Whenever I learn anything new, I will let you know, strictly entre nous, my dears, strictly entre nous.

Friday, June 6, 2008


Yeserday was a very trying day and maybe today was not much better. I had to have a nasty little bath yesterday. I do so hate it. Although I admit that afterward I look very pretty and shiny.

Today, Daddy Moose left early and then Mama DiDi left also! He came home soon, but she didn't. I ignored them all when they came home.

Shhh, while they were both gone, I checked my ample, um, derriere in the full length mirror. A good haircut and nice brushing have done wonders for this old lady. Ha, ha.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Sharing Sherry

So many people have asked so I am sharing Sherry's webpage.


It was such a tiring day today for me. The sheets and blankets all got washed. I ask you, how could I sleep all day? Finally just before lunch, my bed was back in some semblance of order!

Monday, June 2, 2008

My Own Collage

My dear fans all, this is something I've wanted to do for a long time and I've finally done it. Sherry took some of my favorite pictures and made this beautiful collage. You can see my beautiful eyes here, my smile, and that aristocratic tilt of my little chin when I'm bored. You can also see how nicely I wear a hat.

If any of you want more information about Sherry's collages, please let me know.
Until tomorrow, my dears, Bye, bye.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Shadow Dancer

Here's my Cuzzy Shadow Dancer -- isn't he handsome? Shadow has his own blog. (We who rescue humans are very literate.) Shadow sends me sweet little gifts of -- ahem -- jewelry now and then. I wish so much that we could meet in person. See his blog to share his world.


Saturday, May 31, 2008

Decoration Day!

Today is the real Memorial Day which which we used to call Decoration Day. It's a time to remember all our family and friends who have passed on, including our heroes.

After paying proper respect however we do it, I suggest we spend the day as I do.

Friday, May 30, 2008


My dear friends, everyone should see this page and read it all. Look at the pictures. Maggie had a few months of pure love and if she didn't know anything else, she knew that.

Rescuers are wonderful people, but this one is on a higher plane. All of us furbabies should know such love as our lives come to a close, no matter what age we are. We will remember Maggie, whom we never knew personally but we wish we had.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Thursday Ruminations

Remember my friend, Mary-Margaret O'Brien? She is the cutest little thing with a darling personality. Here she is in her school uniform, and if you want to laugh and cry and feel warm and fuzzy, click on this:

I have many favorites, my dear fans, and I will share them in due time. Ciao!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day and Other Silliness

We aren't too happy celebrating Memorial Day on the 26th of May. The great American search for the three-day weekend is getting out of hand. Why don't they just name every Monday a paid day off work? That's what I would do if I were Yorkie-in-Chief.

I am glad though to see there are parades honoring our men and women who wear the uniform. We salute all our war heroes, the ones who didn't make it back home and the ones who have died since returning home. This includes all of our canine war heroes. I am thinking today of Smoky, the tiny Yorkshire Terrier who did so much to help the cause during the War in the Pacific.

Now for the silliness:
Mama DiDi had a 10% off coupon for a Hallmark store and Daddy Moose had a 10% coupon for a hardware and garden store which was expiring today. As soon as they left, I went out to look around and saw Daddy Moose's OSH coupon -- he'd forgotten it.

When they got back they told me that the Hallmark store was closed for the holiday, but I didn't get to laugh because OSH had given Daddy Moose 10% off his purchases anyway. Nice people. OSH stands for Orchard Supply & Hardware and I hear they are very friendly and helpful. Mama DiDi says it's true.

Happy Memorial Day to you all,my dear fans.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Lazy Sunday Wrapup

We are most happy to report that Uncle Patrick is well again. On Friday, they took so long to discharge him that he got tired of waiting and left. He walked home! (Well, it's only about two miles and he loves to walk, but.... hmmm.)

Yesterday was so gloomy and overcast. My entire routine was thrown off because it rained (a real rain, not just pleasant summer showers) all morning and remained very gray the rest of the day. Much to my chagrin, Mama DiDi and Daddy Moose took off to have dinner with Auntie Shirley, who is Daddy Moose's sister, and her husband, Unker. (Actually his name is Art, but all of us children of Daddy Moose call him Unker.) He and Daddy Moose went to High School together my dears, many years ago -- I don't want to say how many years ago, and I can't count that far back on my little paws. It was Unker's birthday and I understand they went to a wonderful steak house and had a feast. They didn't get home until 8:30 and I was so happy to see them. I jumped on the chair and then on the couch to show them how happy I was.

Today I got my walk in the park again and -- ahem -- finally caught up on my constitutional. We lay around and read the Sunday paper and then I retired to my little bed for the day.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Sad Thursday

Please pray for Uncle Patrick. He's back in the Emergency Room tonight. I was going to blog about a happy day today and how I teased Daddy Moose last night, but my heart isn't in it right now.
Yesterday my Mama DiDi's mama came to visit me. It was so nice to see her looking so well. She will be very upset to hear the news now and so we have to wait. He's in good hands.
Love to all my fans.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Related to Wednesday

Yesterday was such fun because Auntie Teresa and Uncle Pat came to see me. (Maybe not me alone, woof.) Uncle Pat looked so good and normal. We all love him and are happy to see him. I'm sure cousin Rocco is very happy that his dad is home every day for awhile. 

Auntie T and Mama DiDi sat around talking about how they were both almost widows. Please! This was so frightening. When Auntie T thanked Mama DiDi for coming to the hospital last Friday, Mama DiDi said, "At least I didn't have to drive as far as you did." That was a reference to June 2005 when Daddy Moose ended up in the hospital in Fort Bragg with gallbladder pancreatitis. Auntie T drove over to be with Mama DiDi and it's not an easy drive over winding mountain roads to the coast, I understand. 

Then Daddy Moose had lots of blood clots in his lungs that caused him to pass out. He asked Uncle P what was the first thing he heard in the ER after they got his heart rate back up after a slight overdose of nitroglycerine. Uncle Patrick couldn't remember offhand; Daddy Moose said the first thing he heard was, "I've got a pulse!"

Oh, my dears, I would have been so worried. And I would have been left in the trailer alone most of the day too. So, all is well now.

I love you all and thank everyone who has read my little weblog offering. 

Sunday, May 18, 2008

A Happy Sunday

Not only did the wind change this morning so that we are finally cooling from that awful heat wave but my Uncle Patrick will be coming home today.

Almost all my friends are well now after various bouts of illness. I feel so good, I could sleep. Yes, that's what I will do now, my fans..... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Uncle Patrick

My dear fans, please pray for Uncle Pat. He had a heart attack yesterday. He is the exception that tests the rule because he lives a very healthy lifestyle.
Although he is in the hospital now, I hope he can come home today. I know cousin Rocco the Beagle must miss him terribly.
This is Patrick with Auntie Teresa. My paws are together for them both.
Mama DiDi peeked at some posts on the computer and tells me Mary-Margaret O'Brien is much better now for which we are all so grateful.

Friday, May 16, 2008


Urgent call -- we saw the sad news last night that Mary-Margaret O'Brien is very sick. Since I learned how to put my paws together, I have been very faithful about praying. Today my prayers are for Mary-Margaret and her mom.

We are calling for your prayers too. Mary-Margaret is a sweet girl, very much loved by everyone who knows her. As with many celebrities, she may not know most of them. Even Daddy Moose was very concerned.

Get well soon, Mary-Margaret.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Morning at the Spa

Oh, my dears, what a day.... You can't believe what I've been through. I was taken to my spa place and given the treatment by my groomer, Chris. She has been very good to me and I don't mean to suggest anything else, but what a treatment today. Washed and dried, rough cut, feet shaved, ears trimmed, a short haircut on my poor naked body.

It is hot today, but Mama DiDi got me home just after noon -- thankfully, she had cool water in the car for me. I was exhausted, my dears, truly exhausted. It will be a long recovery. I am only able to stretch out on the bed and try to regain my strength.

When I first got home, I dove under the bed and Mama DiDi thought I was dead -- or at the very least, passed out! Then I crawled up onto the trunk and swooned on the cool satin bed Auntie Connie made for me. Mama DiDi was kind enough to bring me a cotton pillowcase so i could enjoy the coolness.

Grooming is such an ordeal. I only hope the results are worth what we ladies go through for our beauty!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Memories of Yorkie Fair

My dears, I want you to see how beautiful I was in the pretty Hawaiian outfit loaned to me by my friend Sadie Francis in Utah. The lei was made by Sadie's friend Lisa in Hawaii. You can see how the colors suit me.
We met so many nice people in Ann Arbor, Michigan. We met Goldie and Brett, Debbie and Sunny, Connie, Rhett, Scarlett and Hashi, Betty and Merrie, Sue and Cricket and so many other people I can barely remember them all. 

I remember sitting on Daddy Moose's lap watching to see what Mama DiDi was doing. Betty thought I looked like Daddy Moose. Oh, my dears, it was so amusing. Mama DiDi even agreed! 

Yesterday I pouted because Mama DiDi left me on a Tuesday!! But I was much happier after I had a nice dinner. I barked up the backyard in search of kitties, squirrels, birds, beetles or snails. It was such fun.
This morning was such a wonderful day that I decided to eat a small breakfast. Now I nap for the day, my fans, and dream of the excursions and alarms I will raise later.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Blissful Monday

They were gone most of yesterday. I called a few of my friends and hatched plots. I slept. Rocco must have missed me but I could not bring myself to care.

I remembered a year ago how I was getting ready to travel across the country (and didn't know it). I slept some more and daydreamed about my youth, my other family and bout how nice it is here.

I wished everyone a Happy Mother's Day and was so glad that Donna got my message and sent a card to Mama DiDi..... life is good, my dear fans, life is very good.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Humility or Servility

I try to be a humble dog, but I refuse to be servile. I don't understand the panting smiles of so many canine breeds. My fastidiousness prevents me from kissing. But in my own modest way, I do love my people. They are very good to me and I hope they know I appreciate it.

Having said all that, I would prefer Mama DiDi not use the computer in the evening! I cannot get comfortable if she is drumming away at it. She spends enough time on it during the day. Let's resolve to give each other our full attention in the evenings after dinner if that's all right with everyone.

Here is a picture of Sparky who lived here from 1982 to 1998. I wish I had known him. I know he was intelligent and very, very independent. We would have been great friends I believe.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Friday Whoohoo

Haha. A year ago, we were getting ready to go to Ann Arbor, Michigan. I was getting used to my new carrier. At the same time, I was quickening their pulses by hiding and this was my favorite place. I lay around in the carrier until they forgot to check on me every moment and then I went out the side door and crawled onto the fleecy pillow Auntie Vickie made for me. 
The print on the pillow is various doggie faces all in shades of brown and tan -- much like myself. Above me is the clothes bag and no one can see me.... hahahahaha. 
See inside the carrier. My Auntie Debbie in Utah made the blanket  for me when I first came here. It's my favorite.
I'm such a lucky little girl, but my favorite pastime is teasing. I can't help it, my dears. They look so sad when they can't find me, but you should see their faces when I show myself. Life is good. Have a beautiful day my fans -- I know I shall.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Trendy 'Do

When I had been living here just a few months, Mama DiDi took me to the famous spa, PetsMart, for a beauty treatment. At first, I was very nervous, my dears. You can't imagine how I felt, wondering if I were being turned over to a shelter again -- although this one definitely smelled better.

It was all divine, my dears. I knew I looked like a pretty girl again, in spite of my -- ahem -- somewhat advanced age. 

Here I am wearing my diamond and ruby studded collar from Auntie Goldie with a precious pink charm sent to me by Auntie Donna in Guelph. I am sorry you can't see the diamonds and rubies, my dear fans. 

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Happy Birthday, Teresa

Today is my auntie Teresa's birthday. She is not as old as I am in doggie years but she is still my aunt. Mama DiDi is planning something but won't tell me what.

Yesterday, Mama DiDi received a Mother's Day card that I arranged to have sent by my dear friend in Guelph, Ontario: Donna. I called her Yorkie Summer on the steam iron and told her what I wanted to tell Mama DiDi for our second Mother's Day together. (Donna also helped me send one last year.) They got it exactly right: "You know the times I stare into your eyes and you think I'm trying to tell you something? I am. I'm telling you how much I love you for giving me such a wonderful home, good food, toys, blankets and walks but most of all I'm thanking you for loving me." My mom had tears in her eyes when she read it.

Enough of that. This morning I asserted myself again. I barked my head off in the backyard at 6 a.m. My inspiration is Weederman, who famously said, "I bark, therefore I am." or maybe it was, "I bark, therefore they KNOW I am!"

Have a beautiful Wednesday, my dear fans.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The Good Life

Life has been good here and not without amusement. I began training Mama DiDi right away to fix me another dinner when I stared at her. Mornings I followed Daddy Moose until he gave me a treat. They were very obedient creatures and easily trained.

They have a -- ahem -- doggie door here and I have used it to my advantage to chase kitties and squirrels. Would you believe they have bold squirrels that come right in the back door for a peanut?! It's really disgusting if you ask me.
After I trained them successfully, I began to tease them by hiding.
More tomorrow, my dear fans.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Cinco de Mayo

Sunday, May 4, 2008

First Sunday

I detest First Sundays. It's the only day in the month when I don't get my trip to the park. Daddy Moose and Mama DiDi get dressed up (in their small way) and go to the VFW for steak and eggs. They won't admit it, but I happen to know they also have a Bloody Mary with it. I do not approve.
To amuse myself, I will sleep. 

Before I sleep, however, I will tell you lovely people how I settled in so well back in December of '06. I slept on the sofa in the den for the first two weeks I was here. They invited me to come into the bedroom, but I preferred to be alone. Then one night I heard explosions -- I was so frightened! I crept into Their bedroom and when they woke the next morning, I was curled up between them. Later I learned it was New Year's Eve -- and some persons of low breeding set off fire works.
As for me, I discovered the bed was soft and warm and I decided to wait until they were asleep and then join them. They seemed to like it.

Siesta time, my dearest fans.... [polite yawn]

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Always a Lady

This is I shortly after arriving in what would be my new home. I suspected it was my new home anyway. Oh, my dears! Look at that pillow! What a silly face that is. Not beautiful like mine. They have nice taste in furniture though, that I will say.
Let's leave the continuing story for another day, my fans.

It's May

My name is Sausha Angel Johnson -- I am a purebred Yorkshire Terrier. Of that I am sure. 

I'm picky about those I live with.  I did have a very nice home at one time, but we won't go into all that now. It wasn't their fault; they HAD to give me up because I was becoming very sick. I am very stoic and can tolerate great pain, but the first few days in the County pound were not to my liking at all.

Beverly came and got me, and I went to Benicia to live with her. She loved me so much. But she needed room to rescue more dogs. Furthermore, she was so intuitive that she knew I would much prefer a little home with no other animals. 

It was December 16th, 2006, when I went to live with Daddy Moose and Mama DiDi. Beverly and Victor took me to Sacramento in their car. I liked the house immediately. White with a red roof, tasteful. I turned into the driveway and then heard my name. The door opened and I trotted right inside with certainty that I belonged here.

Oh, my dears!!  My poor nose. There was much to see and smell and do. I wasn't sure I would like it because I could tell two other dogs had lived there for years -- males yet. Where were they now? I was very, very suspicious. I barely glanced at the two humans who were there to greet me.
My life had now taken a different direction and as Beverly said goodbye to me with tears in her eyes and begged me not to kiss her (I never kiss), I knew I might never see her again.