So it turned out that Shadow Dancer didn't have a hernia after all. Hooray! But the darned old vet felt he had to do something after all so he did a dental and pulled four teeth.
Thank you for prayers and comments about Shadow. I love my Cuzzy. His mom also sends her thanks.
Miss Sherry took Mama DiDi's dogwood picture and made it into a painterly work of art. Maybe I can show that later.
I, Sausha Angel, am so relieved.
Unexpected Visits
9 years ago
Hm. No hernia but pulled four teeth.
If a human being were subjected to such treatment ("I went into the hospital for a hernia operation but instead they pulled four teeth") the doctor would be in court. Just shows you.
Well, I'm hoping the teeth needed pulling anyway, and I'm so glad the hernia operation - much more serious - wasn't necessary. All good wishes to Shadow!!
I'm so glad little Shadow didn't have to have surgery. Yes it would be an honor if you posted the dogwood effect. Have a happy
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