Two Mondays ago, I had a most psychdelic experience, my dears. Daddy Moose and Mama DiDi took me on a trip to some distant, forested place. They expected me to sleep in that steel house??? I managed to hide but it wasn't easy. On Tuesday I decided to eat. And eat. And eat. But I was cut off from my fans. There was no steam iron to call from, no cell phone reception (if I'd been able to maneuver that little gadget) and NO internet. I was working on a way to call from the coffee maker when Wednesday arrived and we got online.
Mama DiDi hogged the Notebook and I couldn't write in my blog but I began to settle in and enjoyed taking many walks. We met one Jack Russell Terrier who simply would not shut up. It was left to me to shut him up!
They kept saying the weather was beautiful, but what was I doing freezing at night? Why was the bed so small? (Although it was cozy, heh, heh, and I managed to get my share of the blankets.)
Unexpected Visits
9 years ago
Sausha, my dear, please see my comments to your more recent post. You have a completely disordered view of who-all is running this thing.
"They" do not have the right to "expect" you to sleep anywhere. You have the right to tell them where they can sleep (second best place, of course).
Letting them get away with this insubordination is not good for you, it is not good for the pack, and ultimately is not good for them either.
PS, Sausha, get a grip. I hate to break it to you, but "DiDi" is not your mother, nor is "Moose" your father. Your real mother and father are dogs somewhere, probably dogs you have never met.
DiDi and Moose, so far from being parental figures whom you are somehow supposed to obey, are subordinate members of your pack, who are supposed to obey you. Please, for everyone's sake, get this firmly fixed in your mind, and ignore all the garbage they talk about.
Of course you love them and wish to protect them, as is your job as Alpha, but you shouldn't be taking orders from them, which may God forbid. They take orders from you.
Me, I don't think I am boasting too much, I have my pack well in hand, as it should be. Everyone is very clear about who is in charge. GammaWolf is not my mother. My mother is a dog in Sonoma County whom I haven't seen for years. BetaWolf is not my father. Ditto about my father, who cares. DeltaWolf, a Brittany, well, she's beneath contempt, but of course I protect her, as is my duty.
Got that wrong, as DeltaWolf was anxious to point out to me. (Greek is not my strong point.) Alpha (that's me), Beta (that's Pat, head guy), Delta (that's Susan, Pat's mate) and Gamma (that would be Sunshine, the Brittany).
Hey, even though I know everything by definition, I'm always open to instruction by my subordinates. So long as it doesn't compromise my primacy.
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