Monday, July 28, 2008

Sausha Angel

Hello to all my wonderful fans. I haven't posted because the weather has been rather warm and I become so debilitated in the heat, but now it's cool AND Mama DiDi isn't hogging the computer. (Here I am in my debilitated state.)
I want to tell you why I am named Sausha Angel. Beverly put a little blue coat on me when she brought me here, a blue coat with angel wings on the back. I truly felt angelic too. One of Mama DiDi's friends, a lovely lady named Sue (herself the guardian of two sweet doggies named Lily and Poppy), saw this picture of me in my blue coat and suggested I be called Sausha Angel. And so that is my name.
My dears, look at that slender figure. Ahem. Woof.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Saved the Kitty

You would have been proud of my Mama DiDi, my dear fans. While I stayed on the sidewalk and barked encouragement, she tried to cajole a marmalade kitten into coming down out of a tree at our Park. When she failed and walked away from the tree, the kitten set up the most piercing yowl for such a tiny one. It was only temporary. Mama DiDi called Daddy Moose, got the number of Animal Control and they promised to come right out.
Ah, yes, I thought -- and I have a large international red bridge I could sell you -- for a song.
I waited in the car. I had no intention of joining that little party, my dears, I assure you. But Animal Control did come right over, also a man who had seen the cat earlier dropped by to see if it had gotten down on its own yet.
Well, it was hilarious. The catchpole was too short, the net was too short and the ladder was too short. The man and the a.c. officer went to call for help and the cat must have thought the ladder made the ground look closer. The little Dickens landed on his feet and I watched Mama DiDi pick him up. Oh NO! (She says he was purring.)
I'm sure this story would have a much happier ending if I could tell you she brought the cat home and we are now living happily ever after, but I'm afraid we are too practical and realize that our dear Daddy Moose would never go along with it.
The a.c. officer believes it will find a home, maybe even with his own people, who might be looking for him. I suspect, however, that someone dumped him off.
Such is life in the suburbs.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

My Secrets -- for Leo

My dear Leo, I love my bath. I love the massage and I love the water. And most of all, I love doing a quick roll and rub on the dirty carpet remnant in the garage as soon as I get home. Woof.

Spa Day

I was massaged, brushed, combed, clipped within an inch of my life, my dears.
I feel so much better now, but I am prostrate with exhaustion as you can see.
Now I must rest and sleep.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Dog Days, Early

My dears, it isn't August yet and the Dog Days have arrived. My energy is low and I wish to sleep, "wrapped in the tender arms of Morpheus."
But first, I'll enjoy the air conditioned house and drink my distilled water.
And eat my delicate treats.
Call me when the heat wave is over.....

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Heat Wave

To my dear friend Leo and his Gamma Wolf -- I don't know what medium Miss Sherry Berry uses for her effects, but I have a suspicion it has something to do with Paint Shop Pro or something of the sort. She has other talents too. She makes nice tags and her Yorkie Savannah figures in them often.

You might all notice this picture of me taken by my friend Jan who visited with us while we were vacationing in Fort Bragg, California. I thought it was a good likeness. Ahem.

My dear fans all, it is HOT here. You have no idea how hot it is. I lie supine so any vagrant breeze from the air conditioner will cool off my pink tummy.

Today I reverted to one of my old tricks. I don't know why I did it, but it seemed like the thing to do. A man from the Electrical Company came to put a surge protector on our meter. When he banged on the outside of the house, I was frightened. I sought comfort from Mama DiDi at first, but she forgot me when she heard him say he's finished, and I melted away.

Mama DiDi looks for me. I hear her calling indoors and out; I hear her open doors and close them. She gets down and looks under the bed where I usually am. She looks under and behind everything possible. She searches for me in the backyard. Even though there is no way I could have gotten out the front door, she goes out and looks around anyway. I hear the panic in her voice but I can't move. I hear her say, "Sausha, PLEASE come out! Please come out." She has looked everywhere, but then she goes into Daddy Moose's bathroom (where she has looked before, even behind the door) and one more step this time reveals me plastered to the commode in the most clever way so she couldn't see me when she looked the first time.

She laughs, she cries. My dears, I offered her some Rescue Remedy for her temples and now she is taking a nap.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Dogwood Effect

Is this not beautiful?


My dears, I am still recovering from last evening. The horrible firecrackers and whistles make me bury my head under Mama DiDi's chin. I refused to go for my walk in the park today -- who knows what's over there?
I have been able to save Miss Sherry's art effect of Mama DiDi's dogwood picture and I am going to put it up next.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Independence Day

Wishing everyone a very Happy 4th of July. Be careful and have fun.

If you want a hearty laugh today, be sure to see my friend Mary-Margaret O'Brien's Blog.

To my dear pal Leo, somehow I did not keep up with a few of your comments, but they are posted now. I am really sorry. I thought I had this all figured out, but still have a lot to learn. I certainly wouldn't want you to think I was putting the snub on you. 

To dear Cousin Shadow, I hope everything feels all better now and you no longer have a sore mouth.
I shall sleep now. Woof in red, white and blue.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Good News about Shadow

So it turned out that Shadow Dancer didn't have a hernia after all. Hooray! But the darned old vet felt he had to do something after all so he did a dental and pulled four teeth.

Thank you for prayers and comments about Shadow. I love my Cuzzy. His mom also sends her thanks.

Miss Sherry took Mama DiDi's dogwood picture and made it into a painterly work of art. Maybe I can show that later.

I, Sausha Angel, am so relieved.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

My Cousin Shadow

Please pray for my cousin Shadow Dancer who is having surgery today for a hernia. Ouch!

He'll feel so much better when it's all fixed, but today is scary for his mom. We and all their friends are keeping them in our thoughts.