Friday, April 10, 2009

Happy Easter Day to All

Here I am again, not grinning, but bearing it.
Last year I was mistaken for the Easter Bunny -- I cannot help my ears!
This year I will just be mistaken for a Doofus.


Lisabongzee ~ Island Dream Life said...

You are such a good sport to put up with such brutal punishment. And by the way.... you look adorable in your little flower face Easter Bonnet!! Bry wishes HE had one of those...... well, maybe not!
We know your mama loves you plenty!

Lisa n BryGuy

Patricia Burke Johnson said...

Aloha Lisa and Bry -- thank you so much. I put up with it because I looked so cute. But I made sure it is no longer in the house. I gave it to cousin Rocco the Beagle.
Mama DiDi and I hope you are all feeling good over there in Paradise.