Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Mama DiDi has a dear friend in England whose little dog Precious has gone to Rainbow Bridge.
We have both cried over losing our friend Leo, who wrote us a few times in this blog. Now we are weeping for this little being who was found, named Lilly and rescued as a Chinese Crested! The wonderful care given her by Mo and Nobby somehow turned her into a Yorkshire terrier. If that sounds impossible, it was only the first of many miracles.
My dear fans, click on this link to read all about it. Be sure to read the newspaper clippings and see the photos of this beautiful angel in a dog's body.

Mo and Nobby lived with three Chinese Crested dogs and this is what they thought they were rescuing. As Precious recovered from her past and her hair grew back in, they realized she was actually a Yorkshire terrier. She was very close to one of her Chinese Crested pals in the Clarke household and when Scary died, Precious often paid respects at the grave and this is how I think of her.
We send our condolences, our love and affection from California to Hellesdon to help our friends over this sad time. We want them to know we are in awe of the love they gave Precious that turned her into such a beautiful and loving animal.
With my paws together I send my own Yorkshire kisses and hugs.

1 comment:

Lisabongzee ~ Island Dream Life said...

What an amazing story. It is almost unbearable to see the before pictures, but the AFTERS just MELTED MY HEART! Precious is absolutely PRECIOUS! And congratulations on the 3rd place standing!

Thanks for sharing this wonderful story with us, Sausha! We are still very sad thinking of poor Leo. We were not lucky enough to get to meet him... we wish we had been.

ALoha, BryGuy and Lisa