Saturday, August 15, 2009

Whispers from the Bridge

Does anyone remember the Last Will and Testament of Silverdene Emblem O'Neill? No, me either. I had to look it up because something was haunting me. I was hearing things perhaps. I listened (my dear fans, you know what, ahem, large ears I have), and I heard my dear friend Leo whispering from Rainbow Bridge. He woofed with happiness and something like satisfaction with a job well done.

This made me think of "Blemie" O'Neill and how he loved his master and mistress. (Isn't that quaint, my dears: master and mistress.)

"Now I would ask her, for love of me, to have another," he said in his Last Will and Testament. The satisfaction I heard whispered from the Bridge may have concerned a foxy little Norwich dog -- just a dog. My dears, you be the judge. Leo is not replaceable. He had the heart of a lion, did he not? The little Zorro is not yet a fox. But Leo sent him so he could love as Leo did and be loved as Leo was.

That is what I heard anyway.


The Gimp said...

Thank you, Sausha! You are right, no one can ever replace Leo. We will miss him forever. He was my heart.

But there is a new little foxy guy here. He is innocent. He doesn't know, yet, about pain, or death, or loss. I think he senses something, though, because he's always between my feet, as though to comfort me.

They say that a human being who loses a wife or a husband to death, if the marriage was a happy one the survivor is more likely to marry again than if it wasn't. So perhaps this is my way of honoring Leo too.

Patricia Burke Johnson said...

This is true for rescue dogs also. If we were happy before we will be happy again.
So the little Zorro already knows the proper way to comfort you is to get between your feet. He is sympatico.
Mr. Leo My Hero might also whisper to Zorro -- I see his ears are very receptive!

Lisabongzee ~ Island Dream Life said...

Little Zorro can never replace Leo, but he sure can do a fine job of helping with the hurt. He is adorable. We hope your new little "Yorkwich Terrier" brings you much happiness. And you better stay with our little Yorkie group, you hear????? "The Gimp" I cracked up!! Love the pic too - you are a riot, Susan!

Oh, and ALOHA to you Sausha and Pat. What a wonderful blog!

Luv, BryGuy and Lisa