Sunday, August 10, 2008

In Memory of Maxx

Yesterday we learned that this darling little Maxx shook off his sickness and pain and made the long trip beyond the horizon to the Rainbow Bridge. His mom is Yvonne who has made beautiful clothes for me in the past. I am so very sorry that her heart must be broken now. Maxx's daddy Tom is there to greet him, so there is joy there and tears here.

This is little Maxx.

When I heard the sad news, I remembered the Mutts comic strip from the day before. It made me think of little Maxx being carried by his dad and never being out of breath again.

1 comment:

Yvonne said...

Oh my Sausha, you have uplifted my heart with your words here and the comic is wonderful even down to the moustashe.
Maxx;s Momma, Yvonne