Saturday, August 30, 2008

My Friend Jack

So, I understand my friend Jack has a puppy cut now. I think he looks so distinquished here, but a puppy cut IS cooler for summer.

Believe me, I know. I am overdue for a spa day.



Anonymous said...

Hello Sausha...My mom loves this picture of me.
My hair will grow out by Christmas again.
I think you look great, you don't need a spa.

Unknown said...

Who is this Jack person? Remember, it's not necessarily looks that count.

Too shaggy. Also, don't you think he has a sort of shifty look? Massachusetts is a long way off, my dear Sausha.

You need a dog with character. I could make a suggestion.

Patricia Burke Johnson said...

I LOVE a dog with character.
Yes, I agree Massachusetts is a long way off. I may not look it, but I am old enough to be Jack's mother. Or grandmother.
He is a dear boy, and I understand he has a puppy cut now. Appropriate.
When I get a haircut, they call it a ShihTzu package. What is that, I ask you??

Unknown said...

If you're ten years old, my dear Sausha, we're much closer to being contemporaries that you are with Jack.

Please. You shouldn't be taking up with puppies at your age. How boring. What would the two of you talk about, after the first few barks?

You need a more mature type. Can I remind you here what great hams I have, how muscular I am? There's nothing like a mature dog with muscle.

Patricia Burke Johnson said...

Read my first line. I should hope you would not think I'd rob the whelping box.
Muscle is very important. I have a dainty paw and trick ears if I do say so myself.