Sunday, May 4, 2008

First Sunday

I detest First Sundays. It's the only day in the month when I don't get my trip to the park. Daddy Moose and Mama DiDi get dressed up (in their small way) and go to the VFW for steak and eggs. They won't admit it, but I happen to know they also have a Bloody Mary with it. I do not approve.
To amuse myself, I will sleep. 

Before I sleep, however, I will tell you lovely people how I settled in so well back in December of '06. I slept on the sofa in the den for the first two weeks I was here. They invited me to come into the bedroom, but I preferred to be alone. Then one night I heard explosions -- I was so frightened! I crept into Their bedroom and when they woke the next morning, I was curled up between them. Later I learned it was New Year's Eve -- and some persons of low breeding set off fire works.
As for me, I discovered the bed was soft and warm and I decided to wait until they were asleep and then join them. They seemed to like it.

Siesta time, my dearest fans.... [polite yawn]

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