Sunday, May 25, 2008

Lazy Sunday Wrapup

We are most happy to report that Uncle Patrick is well again. On Friday, they took so long to discharge him that he got tired of waiting and left. He walked home! (Well, it's only about two miles and he loves to walk, but.... hmmm.)

Yesterday was so gloomy and overcast. My entire routine was thrown off because it rained (a real rain, not just pleasant summer showers) all morning and remained very gray the rest of the day. Much to my chagrin, Mama DiDi and Daddy Moose took off to have dinner with Auntie Shirley, who is Daddy Moose's sister, and her husband, Unker. (Actually his name is Art, but all of us children of Daddy Moose call him Unker.) He and Daddy Moose went to High School together my dears, many years ago -- I don't want to say how many years ago, and I can't count that far back on my little paws. It was Unker's birthday and I understand they went to a wonderful steak house and had a feast. They didn't get home until 8:30 and I was so happy to see them. I jumped on the chair and then on the couch to show them how happy I was.

Today I got my walk in the park again and -- ahem -- finally caught up on my constitutional. We lay around and read the Sunday paper and then I retired to my little bed for the day.

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